These Videos Will Make You Feel Better about Cryptocurrency
Chicken Soup for the Crypto Soul
This week hasn’t been the happiest of weeks for crypto holders. That said, here are a few cryptocurrency videos that will help take your happiness to the moon…
…Or, if they don’t make you happier, hopefully they will make you laugh. Or, if they don’t make you laugh, at least you’ll have seen the video that everyone else is talking about (as these are popular crypto videos relevant to crypto).
First video, Japanese Crypto girls sing a cryptocurrency propaganda song… that offers surprisingly level headed advice (CITE: I found this video on a Paste Magazine article which had the same basic vibe as this article).

Second up, a video documenting the time when Bitcoin finally achieved a high enough power level to turn into a Super Saiyan.
It’s over 9000 – BitcoinNext video is that one that says “load the Korea FUD.” The video is easier to deal with when it has subtitles, but I couldn’t find that one (so here is what it says). The video became a bit of a meme, so now when people quote it you’ll know what they are talking about.
NOTE: Sorry about the cover art of the next video (I can’t control that from what I understand, as I didn’t make the video). So, it sort of is what it is. The video is essentially a popular, but dark, crypto meme. It is meant to be funny.
BOGGEDNow, here is that Bitconnect video which helped to confirm for everyone that they were essentially running a Ponzi scheme. This
Curb your BitconnectTo lighten the mood, Let’s go with John Oliver episode on cryptocurrency.
Cryptocurrencies: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO).Now, here is the one where John McAfee says it’ll go to $500k (think revised it to a million). This is the one where he eludes that he will eat a part of himself if he is wrong.
John McAfee “Bitcoin to $500K”.Here is a clip of Brian Kelly on CNBC. Brian Kelly is like “the crypto guy” at CNBC. Some people rag on CBNC Fast Money and Brian Kelly, but I argue he and they are useful for helping to spur on adoption. Fun fact, Brian Kelly also has a Digital Asset Fund.
Crypto Evolution Broader Than Just A Currency: BK Capital Management’s Brian Kelly | CNBC.And here is Doug Polk saying “Tai Lopez NEEDS TO STOP Selling Me His Bitcoin Course.” Doug Polk is a poker player, as the name implies, he is also now a crypto guy. Seems like a good guy, his videos are generally great and tend to focus on calling out crypto scams (which is a good thing if you like crypto, but don’t like scams). See Doug’s Poker channel and Doug’s crypto channel.
Tai Lopez NEEDS TO STOP Selling Me His Bitcoin Course.Finally, here is Vitalik Buterin discussing Ethereum (which he created at 19…). This video is positive and can help remind you that while crypto prices can be a roller coaster, and crypto humor can be as dark as it is funny, crypto related technology is ever as awesome as Vitalik’s unicorn T-Shirt (that is, very).
Decentralizing Everything with Ethereum’s Vitalik Buterin | Disrupt SF 2017.