MyEtherWallet Phishing Attack
On April 24, 2018, MyEtherWallet servers were hijacked, and users were redirected to a phishing site. As much as 500 ETH was stolen from users due to this.
The details of the hack are complex, but essentially MyEtherWallet’s DNS servers were hijacked so anyone who signed onto what they thought was the site via the URL was actually connecting to a malicious site.
Couple of DNS servers were hijacked to resolve MyEtherWallet users to be redirected to a phishing site. This is not on @myetherwallet side, we are in the process of verifying which servers to get it resolved asap.
— (@myetherwallet) April 24, 2018

That is the gist; you can read a more detailed and technical explanation at’s: My Ether Wallet Suffers Phishing Attack After Hackers Hijack Google Public DNS.