Comparing BTC 2014 Bubble to ETH 2018 Bubble

Check out this image comparing the BTC 2013 – 2015 bubble to the ETH 2017 – 2018 bubble. Looks uncanny.
In some ideal future maybe ETH goes to $19k like BTC did. Sure, you could argue ETH has a higher supply. That said… what does that have to do with recognizing a chart pattern?
I would be more interested to know if this was signaling we are near a bottom (not maybe an exact bottom, but a range that potentially stretches out), not because of any fundamentals, but because of human nature in a speculative crypto market and the patterns that result.

NOTE: Image comes from someone’s tweet, can remember who. Feel free to ask for credit. Honestly though it is just screen grabs of Coin Market Cap. 🙂