ETHE Split 9-to-1
Grayscale’s Ethereum Trust (ETHE) did a split today. You’ll now see 9 times as many shares at 1/9th the price in your account.
The total value of holdings didn’t change, but the amount of ETHE shares and their value did.
You can read more about the split here: Grayscale Ethereum Trust Announces Share Split.

TIP: Each share of ETHE is worth about 1/10th of an Ethereum. That means there is a healthy premium on ETHE right now. With that
Based on the Trust having 29,502,100 Shares issued and outstanding and each Share representing ownership of 0.09284789 of one Ethereum token as of the date of this press release, immediately after effectiveness of the Share Split on December 17, 2020, the Trust would have 265,518,900 Shares issued and outstanding and each Share would represent ownership of 0.01031643 of one Ethereum token.