Bitcoin Value

The value of Bitcoin has fluctuated since it was first created in 2009. Bitcoin’s value has ranged from $0.10 to over $7,000.00 since its inception.

Bitcoin value 2015: Between roughly $200 – $300 USD

Bitcoin value mid-2017: Between roughly $960 – $4,300 USD

Bitcoin value late-2017: Between roughly $5,000 – $7,400 USD

See current bitcoin price at coindesk.

The History Of Bitcoin’s Value

Bitcoin was the first major cryptocurrency, it started life in 2009 with a value of between $.05 to $.10 USD. It steadily grew in value until it hit around $1.00 in April of 2011.

By June 2011 Bitcoin jumped in value to about $20.00 and then quickly leveled out at about $5.00. The reasoning for this is unclear, but the Silk Road opened in February of 2011 and there may be a correlation. Certainly cryptocurrency saw a boost in popularity in early to mid 2011.

During the first part of 2013 Bitcoin’s value rises rapidly. The popularity of the Silk Road and cryptocurrency in general also rises. Bitcoin starts 2013 worth about $10 and by April reaches a peak of almost $150 USD a coin. It levels out again around $100.

On 23 June 2013, it was first reported that the DEA seized 11.02 bitcoins, then worth $814, which the media suspected was a result of a Silk Road honeypot sting.

On 2 October 2013, Ross William Ulbricht, alleged by the FBI to be the founder and owner of Silk Road and the person behind the pseudonym “Dread Pirate Roberts”, was arrested in San Francisco.

Fast forward to October 2nd, 2013 Ross William Ulbricht (who allegedly operated the Silk Road) is arrested and the Silk Road is shut down. From this point to the end of November 2013 Bitcoin’s value goes from $150 USD to almost $1,000 USD. Almost as fast as the coin’s value rises it falls again.

By early 2015 after a lot of volatility Bitcoins are valued at about $200. During 2015 we have seen ebbs and flows of coins being worth between $200 – $300 USD.

The price remained steady for 2016, and then starting in early 2017 Bitcoin’s price surged. As of August 2017 a single coin is worth over $4,000.

By November 2017, Bitcoin’s price went to $7,400. It is unclear what the future holds.

Only time will tell what the future has in store for Bitcoin.

You can see up to date values of Bitcoin at

Author: Thomas DeMichele

Thomas DeMichele has been working in the cryptocurrency information space since 2015 when was created. He has contributed to MakerDAO, Alpha Bot (the number one crypto bot on Discord),...