Bittrex Stops Trading on 32 Coins For US Customers

Bittrex will stop trading on 32 coins for US customers on June 22nd at 1:00 UTC. US customers can still keep these coins in their Bittrex wallets, they just can’t trade them on Bittrex.[1]
Luckily, almost every coin that Bittrex is delisting / “geoblocking” can be traded on DEXs like Bancor, on other non-US exchanges like Binance, or in cases on other US exchanges like Coinbase (DNT for example trades on Coinbase).
UPDATE: Bancor is also restricting US customers. Still, my point is the same: Ethereum-based coins can be traded on a wide array of DEXs on the Ethereum Network.

UPDATE: Bittrex announced more restricted coins, see an updated list of restricted coins.
Also, although it doesn’t help US customers, all these coins can still be traded on Bittrex International.
This means US customers don’t have to do anything (they can just store their coins on Bittrex as long as they remain listed on Bittrex International), but if they want to trade a coin after June 22nd, they will need to move their coins off of Bittrex and onto another exchange.
Of course, this also means these coins have a risk of their price decreasing and are likely to see somewhat lower trading volume moving forward, so do think about how this impacts you.
Lastly, remember, crypto markets are global markets and Bittrex geoblocking US customers as a measure of precaution isn’t a reason in itself to exit a coin (especially if you have other options). Bittrex is a US exchange and is likely trying extra hard to remain in compliance when it comes to US customers.
Here is a full list of the coins being “delisted” from Bittrex for US customers from the official blog post:
BAY | DTA | HYDRO | NLC2 | RFR | |
Here is the key information from the official blog post:
After the Change Date:
- U.S. Customers will not be able to buy or sell the above-listed Tokens/Coins. On the Change Date, our systems will automatically cancel all open (i.e, unexecuted) orders in the affected markets for U.S. Customers.
- U.S. Customers may withdraw or continue to hold in their Bittrex wallet affected Tokens/Coins for as long as Bittrex International supports a market in those Tokens/Coins.
- Non-U.S. Customers will be able to access those markets that continue to be listed on Bittrex International.
Update: Market availability changes for U.S. customers. US customers will have access to a limited number of markets moving forward. Like other industry participants, we will continue to advocate for laws and regulations that foster innovation. Learn more:
— BittrexUS (@BittrexUS) June 8, 2019
- Market Availability Changes for U.S. Customers 6/21/19.
christopher fierst
This is completely ridiculous. I have several coins that are about to be d-listed, but they are too small in value to trade them off Bittrex.
I have STORJ 48. Transaction fee 47 STORJ!!!
24 ADX. Transaction fee 48 ADX.
What the hell happened to my coins and this sad exchange!
Thomas DeMicheleThe Author
I hear you. Wait until gas is low and then move them. Also, let support know you are dealing with this. I went through this with some coins and was able to get them out after a while by doing what I told you to do.
What if I want to sell my DNT coins? I can’t access them. I’m in the US. It shows I have them but I can’t sell or withdraw without losing over half my coins in transaction fees.
Thomas DeMicheleThe Author
Yeah, Bittrex really has dropped the ball with that. I think it is because ETH gas prices are high right now. Write support and ask them to liquidate them for you, see if they will. Or see if they can do anything.