All Users in US Can Now Buy, Hold, and Sell Crypto on PayPal
All users in the US can now use PayPal to buy, hold, and sell Bitcoin, Litecoin, Bitcoin Cash, and Ethereum on PayPal.
PayPal will charge $0.50 USD on transactions up to $24.99 USD, 2.3% on transactions from $25 to $100 USD; 2% on transactions from $100.01 to $200 USD; $1.8% on transactions of $200.01 to $1,000 USD; and 1.5% on transactions over $1,000 USD. PayPal notes there are no fees for holding crypto in your account. And, to get things started, PayPal is waiving fees until 2021.
For more, see

NOTE: As a user pointed out, “Buying, selling, and holding cryptocurrency with PayPal is not available in Hawaii and where prohibited by law.”
Carson Axtell
PayPal is NOT available to “All users in US…” as the headline reads — it is NOT available to residents of the state of Hawaii at this time (2/2021)…
Thomas DeMicheleThe Author
Thank you, good point. I added this to the article.