Square’s Cash App

Using Cash App For Bitcoin
Square’s Cash App lets you instantly buy, sell, store, and send Bitcoin. In other words, Cash App is a Bitcoin broker and wallet.
- To buy or sell Bitcoin using Cash App, go to the investing portion of the app, click on Bitcoin, and then hit the buy or sell button. Easy.
- To send Bitcoin to a Cash App user, click ‘send’ and send to a friend’s $Cashtag.
- To withdraw or deposit Bitcoin from an outside wallet, ‘enable withdrawals and deposits’ in your settings, and then under ‘banking’ (in the bottom left corner of the app) use the ‘send’ button to send/withdraw and the ‘deposit’ button to get a receiving address that Bitcoin can be sent to.
Get $5 free when you Sign up for Cash App and Send: The following link will get you $5 free that you can spend on Bitcoin after you send your first $5 https://cash.app/app/DFKVMQH.
TIP: Right now Cash App only deals with Bitcoin. If you want more variety, check out Coinbase or other exchanges.

TIP: While depositing and withdrawing to a wallet not on Cash App does require you to do a traditional Bitcoin transaction and fee, you can send Bitcoin directly to a user’s $Cashtag for free.
Sending and Receiving (Depositing and Withdrawing) Bitcoin With Cash App
Although you can as of 2021 send Bitcoin to a friend’s $Cashtag, those moving from one wallet to another may find the process a little confusing at first if they aren’t used to crypto.
To “send” or “receive” Bitcoin to another Bitcoin wallet not on Cash App, you have to go through the process of “withdrawing” or “depositing.”
This means to send Bitcoin to another person not using Cash App you need to “Enable Bitcoin Withdrawal and Deposits” and go through the verification process first, and then send or receive from an outside address.
The important thing to remember is the deposit button is for receiving to your public address on Cash App and the withdraw button is for sending to an outside public address you own.
With that covered, make sure to copy and paste the Bitcoin address you are sending to, or to scan the QR code to ensure the address is right! Typing Bitcoin addresses by hand is never advisable!
One last note here, while buying and selling is instant on Cash App, Bitcoin withdrawals or deposits need to be confirmed on the blockchain which can take 30 minutes or more.
So using Bitcoin for payments is 100% doable, but it takes a few extra steps, especially for payments between Cash App users.
With that noted, all traditional Bitcoin wallets require you to withdraw and deposit to transact and are subject to transactions being confirmed on the blockchain, so it is nothing atypical for Bitcoin users (it just may seem a little foreign at first to Cash App users who are used to quick transactions via a simple pay button).
TIP: If you are confused about sending and receiving Bitcoin (or withdrawing and depositing), then check out this guide on how to send and receive Bitcoin.
Cash App is Arguably the Simplest and Most User-Friendly Place to Buy and Sell Bitcoin
Still, with all of that said, Square’s Cash App is a useful and simple solution for Bitcoin newcomers and mainstays alike due to its ease of use.
It used to be, before Cash App, the simplest way to buy Bitcoin was Coinbase. Coinbase is still an excellent choice for an all-in-one crypto service, especially when paired with Coinbase Pro (the Coinbase-run exchange), and especially for those who want more choice and more features.
However, it is likely that Square is today the simplest platform for buying Bitcoin (and a valid, if sometimes a little awkward platform for using it too).
The Cash App is an app that lets you buy and sell Bitcoin instantly in most states, transfer dollars and Bitcoin between peers and businesses who use Square’s Cash App and who have withdrawal and deposit features enabled, store dollars and Bitcoin, pairs with its own debit/credit card, and more.
This means it is easier than ever to invest in Bitcoin (either to hold, or to buy and sell relatively quickly; although please note, the Cash App is not for day trading), and there is yet another way for businesses and individuals to accept Bitcoin as payment without taking all the risks that come with traditional crypto platforms and wallets.
Does that mean you don’t need Coinbase anymore? No, not at all. Coinbase is geared toward being an all-in-one custodial wallet, broker, and exchange. If anything, Square’s Cash app is simply a nice compliment to Coinbase, just like Bittrex or Kraken is a nice compliment to those services as well, and just like Robinhood will be a nice compliment when it rolls its crypto services out.
Details and Tips
There are fees: Like with all crypto platforms, there are fees with Cash App. If you want to save on fees, try using a non-custodial wallet like Coinomi for sending/receiving or a more robust platform like Coinbase Pro for buying and selling.
Square Cash App is now a full, albeit limited, custodial wallet: Starting in late June Cash App began allowing withdrawals and deposits for Bitcoin. See: Deposit Bitcoin and Bitcoin Withdrawals.
How to Buy/Sell/Send/Receive Bitcoin With the Cash App: To buy/sell Bitcoin with the Cash App: download the Cash App, input your info and bank account, and then hit the buy button under Bitcoin. To sell: just hit the sell button under Bitcoin. To send to another person on Cash App: Just hit ‘send’ and enter your friend’s $Cashtag. To withdraw/deposit/send/receive: First, through the verification process to enable Bitcoin withdrawals and deposits. To withdraw or send, hit “Withdraw Bitcoin” to send Bitcoin to another Bitcoin wallet address. To deposit or receive, hit “Deposit Bitcoin” to get the address needed for others to send to you.
"Square’s Cash App" contains information about the following Cryptocurrencies:
Bitcoin (BTC)
the fee you’re told to pay is for your clearance due to the money sent to your cash app from a broker company and in a cryptocurrency form. It needs to be converted into cash to enable the money to be available on your cash app balance that’s why you’re told to pay the clearance fee.
Does Cashapp have such a fee for Bitcoin transactions?
Thomas DeMichele
There is no clearance fee for sending or receiving Bitcoin on Cash App. Cash App does not hold your Bitcoin and all transactions are handled on the Bitcoin network, not by Cash App. There are however fees for buying and selling.
Cash App is the worst. Zero customer service and half the time I can’t get access to my stocks. Do not buy crypto or stocks on this site until they fix themselves.
complete garbage. Anytime there is the slightest dip in btc, cashapp will hold your crypto. and No it’s not a BTC mempool issue. i bought and sent from another exchange at the same time as cashapp. As of this writing 16 hours after I sent from cashapp I still have not received my btc in my wallet. This has happened to me multiple time. (The other service took15 min for it to be deposited). My Guess….Cashapp is having liquidity problems and is selling way more BTC than they actually have almost as if they are playing perpetual funds with your money before they finally give it to you.
I deposited bitcoin from a bit atm to my cashapp address yesterday being Saturday and it’s been 14hrs and I still haven’t received it. Nothing is even showing … what should I do
Thomas DeMichele
Contact support. There is more than one thing that can be going on. One thing is that the transaction is still in the mem pool because you didn’t add enough BTC for fees. Another thing is that it went through but Cash App has some way to put the transaction on hold until x amount of blocks have occurred (most centralized entities do this). In short, there is a range of things that can happen which would be normal (and not something like the transaction not working). I think support is the best bet, especially if you have looked at the transaction and verified the address is correct. Hope you figure it out, would love an update so others know!
Their support is non-existent and rude. Last time I had a BTC withdrawel held up by them for almost 36 hours. First they tried to blame me. That didn’t work since Ive been doing this a while, Then they tried to blame the block-chain, which didn’t work because they refused to give me the TX id when I requested it. Their phone support person finally hung up on me (after I waited 2 hours on the line) when I requested to speak to a manager.
I filed a claim with the BBB and after about a week a manager from cash app emailed me asking me why I didn’t just contact support instead of the BBB. I responded letting him know the issue and that I had contacted their “support” over the course of several days with no help or resolution.
it’s been another week and no response. Serious issues.
Check out the BBB the complaints against cashapp are astronomical compared to any similar type platform. won’t be using cashapp anymore.
Venancio Vargas
Why aren’t lightning transactions your preferred method of exchange with Bitcoin? Will other Crypto currencies be coming in the future?
Thomas DeMichele
I don’t think Square has other plans for crypto, not sure about their stance on lightning.
emil p
Are you able to convert your bitcoin to AUD from cash app?
It seems to be the case but I wanted to be sure.
Thomas DeMichele
I think it only works in the US and UK. So I would guess no on AUD. However, if there has been an update recently and I’m wrong I apologize. I would guess if you live in Australia and you hit the sell button, you would get AUD though 🙂
Have you heard of anyone having luck with CashApp helping recover funds. Made the rookie mistake of sending BTH to my BTC account on CashApp. The legacy accounts have the same layout, so I did not receive an error message for the transaction. I am set to lose a good amount of money, and I am hopeful CashApp will be able to help. I know they won’t give me access to the private keys, but is there a way for them to recover it on their end?
Thomas DeMichele
Did you send BCH? I believe they can technically recover it, I don’t know if they offer that service though. I would contact their support and explain.
David L Monk
I love cash app,! Thanks for keeping it simple! I recommend cash app to everyone !
Thomas DeMichele
Yeah, fully agree. If you just want exposure to Bitcoin, Cash App is such a simple and easy solution. I’m a big fan myself. Cheers.
Nohel Pforme
After reading many of the recent bad reviews on Android/CashApp, I elected not to use that App. No phone number for support. Days or Weeks of delays to resolution on problems. Many times folks did not reach resolution (or didn’t update their recent reviews). Sudden unexplained account closings. I won’t go on, go read for yourself.
Thomas DeMichele
I think most people have a good experience, but I am glad to hear input from people who didn’t. Thank you.
Michael Odell
Is it possible to send U.S. dollars to a bitcoin address/wallet?
Thomas DeMichele
No, it is not. You can get close in a way, but it isn’t what you are asking. A close proximity to this, to note something that is upstanding as possible in the cyrpto world, is to use stable coins like USDC on the Etehreum network. USDC is meant to mimic a dollar and live on the Eterheum blockchain.
There is no US fiat currency that is also a cryptocurrency. There is a deeper conversation and more technologies and coins to name, but that is the gist of the answer. Hope that helps.
Robert jefferson
I recently sent funds from my blockchain wallet to my cash app wallet address but the money still has not hit an it has been completed on blockchain. An I can’t get ahold of any support. Can someone please help
Thomas DeMichele
There is typically a delay between the account being credited and the funds being accessible, although you should be able to verify the transaction in a block explorer. https://www.blockchain.com/explorer
Uti wisdom
I would like to say it’s been more than 24hours and my wallet verification hasn’t been done yet
Thomas DeMichele
That is normal. It can take a bit for CashApp to verify things.
Remember when Bitcoin was under 10k?
How does a person get there private of the cash app but coin wallet?
Private key
Thomas DeMichele
You can get your public key in the withdrawal / deposit screen. If you want a private key, switch to another wallet where you control your private key first. Almost all centralized or even semi-centralized wallets will not allow users to access their private key.
I exceeded my weekly bitcoin deposit limit can I just leave it pending til the 7 days is clear ?
Thomas DeMichele
I would think so. But I would ping support on this. The way Bitcoin works I would assume they got the Bitcoin and it is in holding.
Rita Herrera
Hello I’m trying to locate my wallet in Cash App and I’m not able to do so is that possible to have a wallet in cash app
Thomas DeMichele
Your Cash App wallet is essentially found in two places. 1. It is your balance under Bitcoin in Cash App, 2. it is accessed via the withdraw and deposit functions as explained on the page. Give the page a quick read to understand the difference.
why when setting up my bitcoin in cash app I cannot scan the back of my ID? it takes the front very easily but I have tried 100 times in different lighting and positions so I am sure to line it up properly and I hold it there for a min or two and nothing!!
Thomas DeMichele
That is frustrating. I am not sure what to do, but you could try to message support.
Can I use my passport for cashapp bitcoin verification since I lost my ID
Heather Marie Tatro
Hello I want to know when the bitcoin withdrawal limit on cashapp is reset. I mean I tried withdrawing today and won’t let me because says I have reached weekly limit. I want to know if I have to wait till this time next week or have to calculate when I started withdrawing this week to know when I can withdraw again?
Thomas DeMichele
I am not 100% sure, but would love an update if you find out exactly.
Why is the verification process taking more than 24 hours and it’s been almost two days now and it’s still not resolved and still writing verification processing…
Adryanna hoffmann
I can’t seem to verify the back of my State’s ID to enable btc verification
They sent me a link to send in my documents and I haven’t gotten a reply since Sunday
Thomas DeMichele
Hmmm, I would keep trying customer service.
What are the external wallet addresses acceptable by cashapp which doesn’t go against their terms of services. They just rejected a paxful wallet I tried to use to have bitcoin withdrawn to me from a cashapp wallet
Thomas DeMichele
Hmmm, I am not sure, although Coinbase or the Bitcoin core wallet I would guess are fine.
I am having the same issue did it ever get resolved or reversed into your they made me reverse it but its stuck in the block chain.
Please I want to know the limit of bitcoin I can withdraw in a week. And is it possible for Cashapp to block my Cashapp account from functioning cause I passed or gone above my withdrawal limit
Thomas DeMichele
I am not 100% on if the withdrawal limit changes person to person, but there are limits on everything aside from sending to your Cash App account (limits on buying, sending BTC out, adding cash, buying BTC, Cashing out, etc). You can find your limits in your Deposits and Transfers settings.
Where do I find transaction detail / confirmation status of bitcoins sent to external wallet?
Thomas DeMichele
The blockchain. https://www.blockchain.com/explorer
Just put in the Transaction number or the wallet addresses to see the status of the transaction.
Nandish V. Patel
Is this Cash App bitcoin available in the UK? I have downloaded the App on my mobile but cannot see a bitcoin service on it. Thanks. Keep Smiling 🙂
Thomas DeMichele
From what I understand Cash App still doesn’t do Bitcoin in the UK. I’m sure they are working on getting that going though! Coinbase is a good solution for the UK from what I understand though.
To be honest… Cashapp is one of the worst Bitcoin mobile wallets. While most apps like bitpay and coinbase have their own set of issues. The cashapp Bitcoin wallet is an absolute nightmare by comparison. They hold deposited Bitcoin transactions in a pending status constantly. Their customer service has zero knowledge base. It’s just overall the worst Bitcoin mobile wallet experience I’ve had in the past 5 years.
Thomas DeMichele
Interesting perspective, although on the flip-side of this the ease of access for the average person is almost certainly the highest out of any platform.
This is good information and it did answer some questions. There is something I still don’t understand. I have purchased Bitcoin in my CashApp and I have enabled deposit and withdraw in my CashApp. Now I have a wallet address. I expected to be able to enter the wallet address into a 3rd party such as blockchain.com and ‘see’ my BitCoin, but it doesn’t work. What am I missing?
Thomas DeMichele
That isn’t how it works. To see information in another wallet you need both the public and private address. With Cash App you don’t control your private key, you only have your public address. If you want to send your BTC to a wallet where you own your keys, you have to send it to that wallet.
To send, withdraw to the public address of another wallet.
Hope that makes sense.
… with all this said, if you don’t understand that part, you might not want to move off a custodial platform and start managing your own keys yet. Custodial platforms make things easy, but they do require you to stay on that platform or withdraw your Bitcoin to another wallet.
That makes since now. Thanks for the advise. I obviously still have a lot to learn.
Thomas DeMichele
Nothing wrong with that. Honestly though, a custodial platform like Cash App is a perfect platform for someone new to crypto. You own actual Bitcoin, but you only have to worry about using the buy / sell button until you are ready to start using Bitcoin. Then when you do, you only have to learn about how wallets work and how withdrawals / deposits work.
How is it possible for them to not have a private key to the wallet is it that they have it and just don’t understand where or what we are asking i have contact support no response no surprise and now i know what everyone meant by cash app customer service sucks.
Thomas DeMichele
No third party centralized wallets allow access to your private key. This is true for CashApp, Binace, Coinbase, etc. It is the norm, simply move to your own wallet (like a Bitcoin Core wallet) if you want to access your private keys. You can also pick a lighter weight third party option as well. https://bitcoin.org/en/choose-your-wallet
David Muturu
Very very cool And Helpful information.
Wanted to know how to send and received Bitcoin on Cash app. And is doerbl
Thomas DeMichele
Thanks for asking, it is a key part of what the page is about. The gist is “To send or receive Bitcoin using Cash App, enable withdrawals and deposits in your settings, and then use the withdraw button to send and deposit button to get a receiving address that Bitcoin can be sent to.”
If you need more help, check out https://cryptocurrencyfacts.com/how-to-send-and-receive-cryptocurrency/
Cecil O
They are a multi billion dollar outfit , don’t think for a minute that it isn’t coldly calculated to preserve their wealth and market integrity. They ain’t playing trust me on that . Draper and the other 68% of the silent shareholders of Square Cash ain’t in it to lose $$$$$ it and that is the Gospel on that
Cecil O
Please replace draper with Jack Dorsey My Bad
What exchange does cash app use to set BTC price?
Thomas DeMichele
Great question, I don’t know the answer to this actually. I would guess the use some control to ensure it is relatively stable, perhaps taking the average price of a few major exchanges.
Cecil Overstreet
Can you tell me how much cash I can put on my Cash app visa Card at Wal mart .
Thomas DeMichele
I have no clue, I would @ square on twitter or call customer service.
Michael Georgewill
Am having a problem scanning the back of my Government ID , and its preventing me from enabling my withdraw feature of Bitcoin from Cash App. Is there any other way of verifying my ID. What do you recommend.
Thomas DeMichele
Any service that requires you to use a photo ID is going to require it full stop. Try a higher quality scanner or camera (or with a camera try better lighting).
Stephen p
I started a bitcoin withdraw 3 hours ago and it doesnt seem to be working
Thomas DeMichele
Double check your messages and make sure you are approved to withdraw. If it is still taking a long time, they may just have some sort of process that takes time for first time withdrawals.
Is it possible to send btc???? I am unable to send it from my cashapp. I can only sell and withdraw. How do I process a payment to someone or send to a coinbase..? I do not see a pay option under the btc tab.
Thomas DeMichele
You can withdraw and deposit, but you can’t send or receive in a simple way (for example by hitting a pay button)… with that said, since you can withdraw you can send, and since you can deposit and can receive.
I updated the article to make things clearer, but essentially if you need to send you hit withdraw and then withdraw to the address you want to send to (and vice versa, to receive, hit receive and follow the prompts to get the address to receive to). This should work with any wallet address, including with other Cash App users. Although, that said, please read the notes above about both accounts needing to go through the verification process.
What you can also do, in the above situation, is open a Coinbase account, withdraw to Coinbase, and then use Coinbase to send. Or alternatively you can grab another wallet like Coinomi, withdraw to that, and then use that to send.
How will I opened an cash app account?
Thomas DeMichele
Download Cash App and then follow the sign up process in-app is the simplest way to say it. You’ll find Cash App in the app store on android and apple.
You can now
Thomas DeMichele
Very true, Square has made some great upgrades recently
Cecil O
I was very glad to receive a prompt answer to my question, however I still would like to know what is the maximum Bitcoin amount that can be stored in your cash app wallet ?
Thomas DeMichele
No, just maximum amount you can send or buy in a week I think (and I assume withdraw and perhaps sell). Have to look at the fine print on all of that, should be on the site. You can find it via the links on the page.
Cecil O
What is the date of this writing? Can bitcoin be sent from external source to your cash app wallet address , Secondly what is the limit of bitcoin that can be stored in your cash app wallet ? I ask in reference to your first statement in this article
” Square’s Cash app lets you instantly buy, sell, store, send, and receive Bitcoin. Thus, Square’s Cash app doubles as a simple Bitcoin exchange and custodial wallet.”
Thomas DeMichele
I wrote this back when Square first started with Bitcoin, before you were able to send and receive Bitcoin from outside of Square’s closed system. I’ll take another look to make sure the article now reflects the update.
B golden
When will you add Litecoin?
Thomas DeMichele
Hopefully soon. Honestly though, Square is fairly focused on being BTC only at the moment. If you want a simple way to covert dollars to Litecoin, try Coinbase.
Hi there, when will you add other crypto currencies? Thanks
Thomas DeMichele
Square doesn’t plan to add any other cryptos at this time.
Anon Moose
You cannot receive bitcoins to your CashApp
Thomas DeMichele
Really good catch, thank you. I don’t know why I had that oversight there 🙂
Thomas DeMichele
You now can receive Bitcoin to your CashApp, but only by enabling deposits and then depositing them.