Cryptocurrency is a general name referring to all encrypted decentralized digital currencies like Bitcoin.

Cryptocurrency uses cryptography to create coins and secure transactions. Typically cryptocurrencies are open source with pubic, but encrypted, ledgers of all transactions based on blockchain technology.

There are a number of cryptocurrencies traded on cryptocurrency exchanges, and the growing popularity of cryptocurrency means that despite volatile prices, market caps and values are growing every year.

Popular cryptocurrencies include the original Bitcoin, Ethereum’s Ether, and Litecoin.

Cryptocurrency is legal and taxable in the US, but it isn’t legal tender (you can’t pay your taxes in Bitcoin, it is considered investment property). With that said, due to its infancy and history so far, cryptocurrencies should be invested in and used with their historical volatility in mind.

Click on any of the pages below to learn more about cryptocurrency.

TIP: If you are new to cryptocurrency, check out our guide to cryptocurrency for beginners.

Cryptocurrency Facts

crypto dust

Here is a list of fun and informative cryptocurrency facts. Bitcoin Inception (2009): Bitcoin, the first cryptocurrency, was created by an unknown person or group under the pseudonym Satoshi Nakamoto. Blockchain Technology: Cryptocurrencies operate on a technology called blockchain, a decentralized ledger across many computers. Decentralization: Cryptocurrencies are not controlled by any single entity like… Read More

What is Crypto Dust?

crypto dust

Understanding Crypto Dust Crypto dust refers to small amounts of cryptocurrency left over after trades or transactions. This term is used to describe leftover “dust” on exchanges as well as “Dusting attacks.” Let’s learn about Dust and its implications. Transaction Dust Cryptocurrency dust is a common byproduct of using blockchain-based networks and typically has a… Read More

How to use Fantom (Simple)

To use Fantom Network for DeFi and swaps like SpookySwap, download MetaMask, set up a custom RPC, and then bridge Fantom via

How to Buy and Sell NFTs

NFT OpenSea example

To buy a NFT, send ETH to a web3 wallet like MetaMask. Then, connect your wallet to the NFT’s website, or a marketplace like Nifty, OpenSea, or Rarible. Next, buy or bid on the NFT you want.

Failed Transactions on Ethereum

When a transaction fails on the Ethereum network, you are still charged. Transactions fail when there isn’t enough gas to pay for a transaction, or a smart contract rejects a transaction.

What is DeFi?

DeFi is short for Decentralized Finance. DeFi describes decentralized lending, borrowing, and interest-bearing systems like Maker and Compound, most of which are Ethereum-based.