Bitcoin is the most commonly known cryptocurrency. It’s a decentralized digital currency that is secure and private and can be used in transactions worldwide. It carries with it a number of pros and cons and is currently rather volatile.

In this section we discuss everything Bitcoin including how it works, what it’s worth, how you can “mine Bitcoin”, and more.

What are Sats?

“Sats” is short for Satoshis, the smallest unit of Bitcoin (BTC). One Satoshi (sat) is equal to 0.00000001 BTC (one hundred millionth of a Bitcoin).

What is the Cost of Mining a Bitcoin?

The cost of mining a Bitcoin changes over time and depends on the amount of computing power dedicated to mining and the cost of running those computers (mostly electricity and hardware costs). Thus, the average cost of mining a Bitcoin can and will change over time and changes differing depending on region.